Research Workshop Structure & Application
Funding award packages for Kaplan Research Workshops
$12,000 annual funding for two- or three-year term
Application deadline: March 8, 2024
Kaplan Research Workshops foster interdisciplinary inquiry and scholarly exchange on promising avenues of humanities and humanistic social science research. With financial support from Kaplan, faculty workshop leaders invite scholars from across campus (including graduate students) to participate in a multi-year set of conversations and/or projects on a particular theme. Research Workshop funds may be used for activity that furthers knowledge on the theme, including but not limited to: convening discussions of new research and works-in-progress; inviting outside speakers; hosting symposia; launching publications; holding public humanities events; and sponsoring collaborative workshops.
To view the Kaplan Institute's current (2023-2024) Research Workshops, visit
Workshop expectations
- Research Workshops should hold at least two meetings per quarter and at least one public event over the course of the year.
- Each workshop must employ at least one graduate student convener, to be paid at least $1,000 per quarter from the workshop budget.
- A brief report of activities will be due to Kaplan at the end of each academic year; this will be used to confirm scope of funding for the following year.
Research Workshop budget details
- $2,000 for faculty convener stipends: Up to $1,000 maximum per convener, and up to $2,000 maximum in total; these funds may only be paid into faculty discretionary accounts.
- $3,000 for graduate student convener stipend: At least one graduate student convener must be hired for the year and receive at least $1,000 per quarter for their work; this graduate student is expected to serve as lead administrator of all workshop activities.
- $7,000 annual programming budget: These funds may be used to bring in guest speakers, to purchase books, to spend on catering, etc.
*Co-sponsorship funds*: Any additional funds that are obtained by a workshop for workshop programming must remain independent from Kaplan funding and administration—unfortunately, Kaplan cannot receive and dispense these funds
How to apply
Deadline: March 8, 2024 (Fri.), 11:59 pm CST
Research Workshop applications are submitted by email. Please review all application instructions on this page prior to emailing your application submission. Note: All application documents must be bundled and submitted as a single PDF.
Application instructions
Please bundle the application materials listed below into a single PDF.
- COVER LETTER (maximum 2 pages)
- Statement describing the workshop focus and anticipated audience; include whether the request is for a two-year or three-year term
- Proposed activities
- If this a returning workshop application, please briefly describe successes and lessons learned from the first iteration of programming
- Name, department, and contact information for the Primary Faculty Coordinator
- Name, department, and contact information for the Secondary Faculty Coordinator
- Name, department, and contact information for possible Graduate Student Coordinator
- Proposed budget breakdown
- List of confirmed/projected funds from other departments/programs (please remember that Kaplan is not able to receive and dispense these additional funds)
To submit your application
Please send your application PDF to Tom Burke, Associate Director of the Kaplan Institute, at
A completed application must be received by Kaplan no later than 11:59 pm on 3/8/24. Applications will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the Kaplan Institute Humanities Council.
Please contact Tom Burke at