Arts Across the Arch
Arts Across the Arch connects Northwestern graduate students in the creative and performing arts, providing space for them to explore how artists practicing in different mediums are engaging similar questions of theory and scholarship across the humanities and fields of public engagement. We provide participants with opportunities for informal connecting and organic relationship building, while encouraging them to share their work (in progress) with others and/or present questions or topics for discussion.
We invite all Northwestern graduate student creative writers, musicians, dancers, actors, performance artists, composers, directors, and visual artists: Come connect and collaborate with graduate student artists across schools, disciplines, and mediums.
Serena Simpson, Alumnus, MFA in Creative Writing, and Wan Heo, PhD Program in Music Composition and Technology.
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Winter Gathering
Wed., January 31, 2024
5:00 - 6:30 pm
Kresge Hall #2351 (Kaplan Institute seminar room)
Guest speaker for this event is Professor Özge Samanci (Radio/TV/Film)—teacher, media artist, and graphic novelist whose works focus on environmental issues. Samanci will talk about her interactive media art installations that use materials, data, and interactivity in unconventional ways. Moreover, she will share her extensive experience in collaboration with us!
Please RSVP for this event HERE.
Past events and participants
Spring Quarter Gathering and Presentations
April 14, 2023
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Kresge Hall #2351 (Kaplan Institute seminar room)
Join the last event of the year for Arts Across the Arch!
After our successful inaugural event in February—and the new connections it inspired—we are welcoming you back for more! Graduate students in all creative and performing arts programs are again invited to join Arts Across the Arch: A Northwestern Graduate Artist Collective on April 14. You will have a chance to briefly present your works, initiate conversations about them, and of course, connect with your artist peers across campus.
Launch Event
February 7, 2023
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Kresge Hall #2351 (Kaplan Institute seminar room)
Join Arts Across the Arch: A Northwestern Graduate Artists Collective!
Calling all Northwestern graduate student creative writers, musicians, dancers, actors, performance artists, composers, directors, and visual artists: Come connect and collaborate with graduate student artists across schools, disciplines, and mediums.
Graduate students practicing in all creative and performing arts are invited to the inaugural event for Arts Across the Arch: A Northwestern Graduate Artist Collective. Supported by the Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, this new group will provide a space for graduate students to develop and share interdisciplinary and cross-medium work, engage in conversation, and build relationships and community. Come join the collective and help divine the space you want to inhabit.
We will have wine and refreshments!
2022-2023 Participants & Programs
Kevin Aoussou • MFA in Acting
Sam Cermak • PhD in Neuroscience
Makeda Declet • MFA in Writing for the Screen and Stage
Michele Epps • MA in Sound Arts and Industries
Bailey Flynn • PhD in Rhetoric and Public Culture
Wan Heo • PhD in Music Composition and Technology
Michelle Houle • MFA in Writing for the Screen and Stage
Obed Lamy • MFA in Documentary Media
Chris Lombardo • Litowitz MFA+MA in Creative Writing
Linda Luk • Program Manager, Norris Mini Courses and Norris Programs
Kate McMorran • MFA in Writing for Screen and Stage
Surya Milner • Litowitz MFA+MA in Creative Writing
Christabel Nagahisa • MA in Sound Arts and Industries
Catherine Phang • PhD in Music Composition and Technology
Anuradha Rajurkar • Staff in School of Communication Research and Graduate Studies
Matthew Richardson • Litowitz MFA+MA in Creative Writing
Devon Rodlund • MA in Sound Arts and Industries
Kristian Rodriguez • PhD in Musicology
Caroline Shadle • Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama
Serena Simpson • Alumnus, MFA in Creative Writing
Emry Sottile • Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama
Craig Stevens • PhD in Anthropology / Media and Technology Innovation
Jasmine Thomasian • PhD in Composition and Music Technology
Evan Watkins • MA in Sound Arts and Industries
Yuanmei Wei • MA in Sound Arts and Industries
Tae Heum Yeon • MFA in Directing
Ben Zucker • PhD in Music Composition and Technology